Emilio Foglia

Emilio Foglia worked for 15 years in the investment banking industry (Akros, Intesa, Bankers trust, Deutsche bank, SocGen) both in Italy and UK. He later moved to the Asset management business where he has been working since 2003. He is currently in charge of the distribution of Lemanik funds in Italy for Lemanik SIM S.p.A.



US to zero growth by September.

The US stock market’s quarterly earnings period has now come to a close, and in summary it...

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Lemanik: great investment opportunities in the space of utilities/renewables.

“In the current context, large movements between indices are not expected but, on the...

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Lemanik webinar with Alessandro Cameroni

Tassi e subordinati finanziari Quali prospettive Lemanik webinar | Alessandro Cameroni | Wednesday...

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Lemanik webinar with Maurizio Novelli, Senior Portfolio Manager

Economia (ir)reale e bolle finanziarie Lemanik webinar | Maurizio Novelli & Fabrizio Biondo |...

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Salone del risparmio 2024
Lemanik at the new edition of Salone del Risparmio 2024 | April 9 – 11

“Looking for new balances Investing in global scenarios” is the theme at the heart of...

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USA already in balance sheet recession?

Read the view of our fund manager Maurizio Novelli published on “Investire nei...

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Lemanik connect

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We are looking for a Senior Fund Risk Officer to join the AIFs Team.
Your mission will consist in being in charge of managing the Risk Management framework of several AIFs clients.

Your role

  • Assist the AIFs team in the implementation of the Risk Management Framework
  • Production of periodical reports
  • Perform risk assessment for existing and new AIFs, determination of risk profile, risk limits (market, credit, liquidity, counterparty, operational) at fund and investments level
  • Monitor the AIFs in DOMOS (AIFs control and reporting tool) and ensure data accuracy
  • Support the Head of Risk in various Risk Management topics
  • Review the existing risk framework (regulatory and internal requirements) in close cooperation with other departments
  • Monitor the liquidity of AIFs and perform stress tests
  • Provide regular updates to the Head of Risk and the governing body
  • Ensure that the general investment policy, the investment strategies and the risk limits of each AIF are properly implemented and complied with 

Skills required

  • Master’s degree in Engineering, Finance, Mathematics or related fields.
  • Have minimum 2 years of relevant risk senior position in the illiquid strategies
  • Have good knowledge and understanding of the Luxembourg fund industry and AIFM regulations
  • Have strong knowledge on various strategies (Real Estate, Private Equity, Private Debt…)
  • Ability to work autonomously and demonstrate initiative
  • Fluent in English any other language will be an asset


+39 380 234 1234